Please give Amaya a voice
As Amaya gets older the less amount of resources and help society has to offer.. I don't think they know what to do with Amaya's age group at this point. Amaya was born in 2000 the start of the up-rise in autism.. Not only does she have severe autism which makes it more of a conundrum but her age group is the first.. The older sibling I suppose..
Patching over patched walls.. |
How can families make money when their time is spent taking care of another human being?
Things like furniture that need to be protected from urine,feces, and spills..
Windows that don't brake when hit
Locks and storage for people who can climb and have an obsessive nature to take items and make the biggest possible mess..
Car safety products for behaviors..
the list goes on.. I'm hoping for ideas! and lots of them! I'm hoping that at this stage of autism the future generations and families will have it easier than ours. Society has not been prepared for this epidemic..Instead of focusing on Spreading the awareness of autism.. We need to spread Autism.. Our society needs to change our thinking.. If you have a young child or know of one that has been diagnosed you will have quite the challenge ahead.. But your not alone.. Please share this blog.. or the video bellow... Things have got to change!!
Thank you,
I can make a music video for her