Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Autism on a Budget: WINDOWS

                                 Broken Windows

Everyday for years I have been on window duty... Waiting,watching, and knowing that the moment Amaya breaks another window will inevitably come... Looking on DIY sites trying to find a solution to end this torment... But not finding anything feasible... 


A family friend with mad skills is what changed our lives... Made with poly carbonate sheets and a frame that goes in front of our window.. Click the link to see..  

How it changed our lives:

I no longer have window duty.. I can leave the room for a min. without having to worry about another broken window. The longer I'm a caretaker the more I have realized how important environment is..  When Amaya breaks a window it's a several step process. 1.Get Amaya out of the area. 2. Clean and find all the shattered pieces of window. 3.Break out the rest of the glass from the window. 4.Figure out how to pay and replace the window.. Which may include measurements, Patience and lots of days with to much heat or a very cold house..


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